We have come through the busiest time of the year for many women. The Thanksgiving Holiday and the Christmas Holidays bring much to do for all of us. At this time of year many of us have difficult times because of strained family relationships or because we have simply too much to do (Do we bite off more than we can chew?)! We especially need to reserve TIME to spend in the Word of God and prayer on those busy days.
Do you reserve time to spend with your children? Do you reserve time to spend with your husband? I hope so! But even more important than reserving time for them, is to reserve time to read the Word, let God speak to you through that Word, and pray. Pray for patience to be able to handle the difficult relationships that you might have in your family. Pray for patience and wisdom in planning the work that needs to be done to be ready for the special holidays – whether you spend them at your home or someone else’s. Pray that the sweetness of the Holy Spirit would be seen by those you come in contact with you as you go out shopping, attend various events, and spend time with family and friends.
God has given to us 24 hours in a day. Everyone receives the same amount of time. How we spend that time is up to us. I would pray that you would be sure to spend time with God each day so that the upcoming holidays do not become more than you can handle. As you spend time with Him, He will give you the grace to get through those days with Joy and Thanksgiving.
God bless you as you come into this very blessed time of year. May you rejoice and thank God for the gift of His Son, Jesus, our Savior. Thanksgiving Day is certainly not too early to do that and to remember all of the blessings we have because of Jesus.