Monday, January 23, 2012



RESOLUTIONS - they are statements that we as a WMF vote on each year at our annual conference. They are intended to guide each of us as individuals and as local WMFs, District WMFs, and the National WMF as we strive to serve the Lord and our church. (If you have not seen them, please contact our WMF Executive Secretary for a copy of the most recent ones passed at the annual conference in June, 2011.

Resolutions are also statements that we as individuals might make that are intended to spur us on to personal improvement – a renewed daily devotional time with Jesus, weight loss, reducing stress, creating an atmosphere in our homes that welcome those who enter its doors, or any number of things that we think we need to address in the New Year.

How long do those resolutions last? I would hope the resolutions that we vote on at the WMF convention are guidelines for our groups then and into the future. As we make these resolutions and vote on them it is so important that we have prayed and asked the Lord to lead us in these statements.

The personal resolutions probably last as long as we remember them – sometimes one day, sometimes a month, sometimes the whole year. I guess that depends upon how meaningful they are to us and how much effort we are willing to put into fulfilling them. Seeking to have a consistent, renewed daily quiet time with Jesus is one I hope you will commit to for the whole year. I know it’s easy to let our busy “schedules” get in the way, but what is more important than time with Jesus – the Saviour, the Redeemer, the Comforter, the Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father! He has provided us His Word as a love letter to us to help us to get to know Him better. He speaks to us through that Word and He wants us to come to Him in prayer letting Him know our deepest longings and needs.

The Scriptures can help us with our New Year’s resolutions. Please take a look at these verses and find in them guidance for you in the New Year. The texts are all taken from the Amplified Bible:

Psalm 143:10 - Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; let Your good Spirit lead me into a level country and into the land of uprightness. May your gracious Spirit lead me forwardon a firm footing.

Matthew 6:34 - So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

James 4:15 – You ought instead to say, If the Lord is willing, we shall live and we shall do this or that [thing].

Dear Father – Help us to seek to spend time with you each day. Help us to seek your will and your guidance in our lives. Help us always remember that you know what’s ahead. We do not need to worry or be anxious because you will take care of us. You will lead us forward on a firm footing as we trust in you. Thank you, Father, for your promises. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



The New Year always feels like a clean slate, a new beginning and I am reminded of Lamentations 3:22-23 ~ "The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail, they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness." Each year, each day, is a fresh start with God. What an incredible blessing.

Instead of New Year's resolutions, I like to take some time and just seek God for a while, depending on how busy I am depends on how long I get to take! Sometimes this time is simply reflection, a time to appreciate the year past and all God has done. Sometimes it is a time of repentance, getting rid of the callouses that have grown on my heart, desiring to allow God to more deeply work in my life, a deep cleansing in my soul. Sometimes it is an intense time of seeking direction, simply listening to what God's goals for me are. This year it seems I did all three. My heart's desire is to just know God more, to daily allow Him to use me to glorify Himself, to walk in loving forgiveness. But how can I live that out?

To know God more- I need to listen to His voice as I read the Bible, as I hear sermons, as I fellowship with others. God's word is alive and sharper than any two edged sword! So as I read it, I want it to be alive to me. What is God saying through Scripture to me today? I need to spend time letting Him examine my heart, and cry with the psalmist, "Create in me a clean heart O Lord, and renew a right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10) It is hard for me to be still long enough to listen to what God is saying; I am organizing my home or thinking about what I am supposed to be doing, so Lord, help me be still with You, to really listen when I am alone with You. Give me ears to hear Your voice and a mind focused on You.

To daily allow Him to use me for His glory- Some days this is really challenging. What if being used for His glory means cleaning the bathroom? Or taking care of sick children? Or failing parents? I may have had other things on my mind when I prayed that Lord. Yet, cheerfully taking care of the home You have given me allows You to use it more often for Your glory. And some days when I have everything planned out for the day, You bring divine interruptions; I don't always see them as that, but that is what they are. A phone call- or six- so necessary to another; help me to see it through Your eyes God and use Your words, even when it changes what I am able to do. And what if being used for His glory is simply putting a meal on the table in a timely manner, and answering questions from young (or older) children? God has placed each of us in a unique place, in our home as well as in our time of life, and it is in this place that God chooses, even delights, to use us. Lord, give me contentment in the place You have put me, contentment physically, emotionally and spiritually. May I rest in the fact that You are God, and You know what You are doing in and with my life.

To walk in loving forgiveness - It is so hard to just let go and forgive, hurt can be deep and raw, or it can be quick and gone. From an inattentive driver to an abusive past, forgiveness is necessary. How could You forgive us of so much on the cross? I have sinned against You more deeply than anyone has sinned against me, but I keep the pain. You didn't. You loved me instead, You carried my pain in the midst of Your sacrifice. As I struggle to learn this, Lord, show me where the other person is hurting or wounded, what You would have me do to bring healing to them. To understand that some wounds are never intentional, and to know that the ones that are have already been forgiven by You. And who am I to withhold that which You have given? May You work in me so that I would learn to forgive as You did; freely and sacrificially giving in the midst of pain.

This year may each of us hunger more deeply for God, become more yielded to His gentle nudge, and to walk in loving forgiveness with others, by the power of His Holy Spirit.


Border Crossings

Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from the newsletter of our missionaries – The Schierkolk Family.

“‘. . . and they shall call His name Immanuel’ which means, God with us.” -Gospel of Matthew 1:28

Advent and Christmas bring some paradoxical feelings for us. On one hand, we are really enjoying being with our daughter Rachel, seeing snow, being with family, experiencing the joy of the many events of the Christmas season, and touching base with friends. We enjoyed the Christmas concert at the Bible School (AFLBS) so much we went twice!

On the other hand, this is the first Christmas that the kids in the clubs in Jerez won’t have us “with” them and we won’t be having a Christmas party where they’ll be getting a present and they won’t get to watch the traditional showing of “Red Boots for Christmas” in Spanish. No tamales made by Adri (who passed away in May) enjoyed with all of the people from the church in Jerez. No watching the serious excitement of a young person in church lighting the Advent candle. So we feel a significant paradox (or as we often say in our family, “pair of ducks”). But God is “with” us and He is “with” them…

Todd, Barb, Rachel, Megan and Kirstie Schierkolk

A New Life This Christmas!

Editor’s Note: This is a greeting from our missionaries - The Pillman Family.

Merry Christmas!
Christmas is a time to celebrate God's gift of His only begotten Son to the world. This year, we are also celebrating God's gift of a son for our family! We are so thankful for His good and perfect gifts. May your celebrations this Christmas season always be focused on Jesus!

Nathanael Paul Pillman
Born: December 19, 2011
Weight: 9 lbs. 12oz.
Length: 21 ¾ in.
Na-THAN-yel (Hebrew) Gift of God

Because of Him,
Justo, Patricia and Nathanael

“Every good gift and perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17


Osceola, Wisconsin
MARCH 23-25, 2012

Speakers :
“YESTERDAY”—Faith Nelson
“TODAY”—Esther Hylden
“FOREVER”— Emily Nash
Skits performed by THE NEW IMAGE PLAYERS

If you have old pictures that you would like to share at the retreat or if you are willing send them ahead of time to be included with other s that will be on display for the weekend . Prints will be returned to you.

Send pictures to:

Phyllis Peterson, 420 Ash Road, Portland, ND 58274
(701) 788-2938

If you have some clothing from the past 50 years that you would care to model or bring along to put on display or for someone else to model please let the officers know and bring them along. If there is enough we may have a style show at some time during the weekend.

If you care to share an outfit or more contact:
Karen Pederson, PO Box 381, Tioga, ND 58852 (701) 664-2432

Any questions about our retreat please feel free to contact:
Lois E. Grothe, 3745 Franklin Ave. Astoria OR 97103 (503) 325-0463

Silent Auction--On Saturday afternoon we will hold a Silent Auction—if you’d like to donate an item (s) for this please bring it along. Proceeds from this will go to the ARC.

Snacks to Share--We all love to snack—especially at retreats—so bring a snack if you like.

Coffee Shop--With flavored coffee, tea & hot cocoa. Come, enjoy a cup as you relax with friends.

Basic Information
Friday — Check In: In the Tabernacle—6 p.m. (Supper on your own) Retreat begins at 7 p.m.
Saturday morning—sessions,

Afternoon—free time (1:30 to 6 p.m.) for recreations, crafts, activities, relaxation, etc.

Sunday morning—Worship Service at 9:30 a.m. Led by Pastor Eldon Nelson with communion which will conclude our weekend retreat.

(Please take time to register NOW to participate in this special celebration!)

Women’s Retreat
March 23—25, 2012








ROOMMATE REQUEST_______________________________________
Do you need a 1st Floor room? Yes_____ No_____
Do you need a bottom bunk? Yes_____ No_____
Request linens? Cost $7 Yes_____ No_____

Please choose one of the following:
I’m enclosing nonrefundable deposit $25_____

I’m enclosing the total registration fee for:
Saturday –only (no lodging) $45_____
Days only $60_____
Entire Retreat (3 days/2 nights) $85_____

Please make checks payable to WMF of AFLC Add $20 after March10th.
Send to:
Lois Grothe
3745 Franklin Ave.
Astoria OR 97103
(503) 325-0463

Be sure to mark your calendars:

WMF DAY 2012

June 12, 2012
Thief River Falls, MN

Thus Far Has the Lord Helped Us.
I Samuel 7:12

This year is our 50th Anniversary celebration!!