Monday, February 23, 2009


Jesus Soothes the Stings in Life
By Lorilee Mundfrom
National WMF President

I love to “give advice”. It seems when someone comes to me with a problem or a concern, I like to have an answer! Much of the time, however, the person coming to me is not looking for AN ANSWER, but a LISTENING EAR or someone who can actually help them!

Perhaps you have experienced a physical ailment. You share this difficulty with a friend. What do they do? They go looking for a cure!

I read a story recently of a lady who had been walking in her yard and all of a sudden felt this strange sting between her toes. As she took off her sandal, a bee came crawling out of her sandal. The bee had stung her. The next thing she knew, her other foot began to hurt and sure enough, a bee had stung that foot too. As she was trying to get away from the bees, they chased her and kept on stinging her. She was in dreadful pain by the time she got to her house. The bees had stung her several times. Her husband helped by giving her a bag of ice and then went on the internet to look for medical advice. One of the first things listed was “avoid the bees’ nests!” Obviously, this woman would have avoided the bees’ nests if she had known they were there! She wanted someone to help her.

When we have friends or family who come to us because they are having problems, do we give advice or do we introduce them to Jesus, the One who can help them? If we really listen, they often are not looking for advice but someone who will bring them to Jesus. Do you pray with them? Do you pray for them?

As women ministering to women in the WMF, the most important ministry we can have is to bring the women to Jesus. Maybe your friend knows Jesus as Savior, but has forgotten that He cares for her as she focuses on her troubles. Sometimes it is so easy to get overwhelmed with our responsibilities and problems that we forget to “run” to Jesus. We keep trying to dig ourselves out of these overwhelming piles, but often find the piles just keep getting deeper! We keep trying to run away from the stinging bees, but they just keep stinging harder and harder. We need to “run” to Jesus so that He can soothe our aches and carry our burdens. So, when a friend comes to you for help, she may need a listening ear and one who will bring her to Jesus. Will you introduce her to Jesus?


Trust in the Lord
Margaret Loken

On October 6, 2008, we received a phone call at 11:30 PM. My 85 year old mother had fallen. We later learned that she had suffered a compression fracture of a vertebra in her back. Since that date, we have gone through many unforeseen situations and faced many difficult decisions. Through it all, I have been sustained by scripture and prayer support.

One of my greatest struggles has always been in the area of decision making. I always try to do the right thing, but during these times I was often not certain what was the right thing. Many scriptures have been significant to me, but none more so than Proverbs 3: 5 & 6.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and He will make your paths straight."

The Amplified Bible expands on the words "trust in" in verse five by adding two additional phrases. The first is the phrase "lean on". In tough times, this encourages us to rest the literal weight of our troubled minds on Him. The second phrase is "be confident in". To me this implies a strong sense of certainty. God will support us when we are tried and tired. The second part of verse five tells us to "lean not on your own understanding". Here is one of my personal downfalls. I find myself constantly trying to figure things out, in order to create a game plan. But our faithful Father is showing me that there are not always earthly answers or strategies for the problems we face. I now believe I am supposed to do what I can, and accept what is. I am learning to rely on God and trust what I cannot know to Him. And yes, it is hard. Yet at the same time, it is the greatest comfort to remember that He is in charge. And as verse six implies, straightening out my uncertain and crooked path. As I move forward into uncharted territory, I am remembering to seek Him first and foremost. I praise Him for His constant support. And I repent of my sin of control. When I do this, peace and strength follow. And not surprisingly, game plans come to mind that I did not conceive. The book of Isaiah says it so well in chapter 30, verse 15:

"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength."

My mother's back has healed, but we learned recently that she has Alzheimer Disease. I know that many have walked this path before me. I am grateful to the Lord for the wonderful support both human and divine which He has provided and will continue to provide for me. I hope that these words from scripture will encourage some of you as they continue to encourage me.


Dear WMF friends,

Another Christmas has come and gone and it's finally starting to warm up here in the mountains of Central Mexico. This year at our Christmas outreach we gave away 50 quilts to women who came to the service and another 20-30 beyond that to children and young people. There have been numbers of groups of women in the AFLC who have helped us in this outreach over the years and we are so grateful to each one of them. We are also very grateful to all of the WMF's for their continued generous support of our ministry and for your faithful prayers for all of us here in Mexico.

One of those who has seen this ministry up close is retired missionary Lois Raser. Lois worked for years with children in feeding centers where kids were given a meal for their stomachs and a Bible story for their hearts. We have greatly appreciated her encouragement since we've been in Jerez. Lois attends the English Bible study and also comes to our Spanish services. After the outreach service this last Christmas she decided that she wanted to write to you herself. Her letter follows.

In Christ,
Todd and Barb Schierkolk

Letter to the Free Lutheran Quilters

December, 2008

Dear Friends:
It has been my privilege, as fellow missionary with Todd and Barbara Schierkolk, here in Jerez (Mexico), to observe the phenomenon of dozens - hundreds - of beautiful hand-made comforters, quilts, afghans and baby blankets, all made by hand, for the poor of Mexico. It is a joy to know that in the modern, automatic society of today, hundreds of caring women from several hundred church bodies, are actively, happily and efficiently sewing for families poorer than their own. For a country beeing overridden by terrorism and poverty, Free Lutheran quilters are fulfilling the words of our Saviour, . . . "the poor always ye have with you." Struggling mothers eagerly await the gift of a hand-made blanket in this mile-high rural city, poorly equipped to face a cold winter. For them, we send their heart-felt thanks to the women in the United States who cared.

Lois Raser, veteran missionary

Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
Most of you who receive this update are still battling snow and cold temperatures – one thing I have never missed during all these 24 years in Brazil . Here we are having a bright sunny day and our hopes are high for a wonderful week of Youth Camp! I have wanted to write for ages, but there really has not been a free minute. Our house has been full of company ever since Christmas. Lots of wonderful things happen day by day and I would love to tell you all about them, but that is an impossibility right now. I just want to leave a few prayer requests for those of you who are dedicated to pray for us and for our ministry.

1) Youth Camp. We are expecting 150 youth (ages 13-30) on Friday night through Wednesday morning. Pray for this wonderful spiritual opportunity. Pray for conversions, for consecration, for unity, for protection, for blessing. We once again have a great staff of dedicated, prayerful people who are willing to invest in the lives of young people for eternity.
2) Our short-term assistant Alisha Benton who is doing her Missionary internship here. She is adapting well and doing great with her limited Portuguese and enthusiastic attitude. Pray that these five intense days of immersion in the camp setting will be a blessing and not too overwhelming.
3) Pray for Agnaldo, a recovering alcoholic who has been living with us for three weeks now and is in victory.
4) Pray for Gabriel, Yara’s nephew, who will have to have a surgery in the next couple of weeks to relieve the pressure of the liquid that has accumulated in his brain. He is having trouble with his vision and headaches. We are praying for a miracle! (We were encouraged to hear of God’s grace of healing for Ingrid Giles and pray that God’s mercy would be poured out upon Gabriel in the same way.)
5) Pray for John and Ruby Abel as they fly to Brazil in Monday to join us for a few months.
6) Pray for our son Matthew who has been sick for cough and cold over a month with a bad. Wish I could be close to help the healing process with chicken soup and Mom’s TLC.
7) Pray for Edival who has started his pastoral internship with us.

Guess that’s plenty for you to think about for now. I promise to get a letter out after the camp is over.

Our love to you, Becky for the Abels


2009 WMF Bible Study

Living Water

By Bunny Meyer

As believers we look forward to the eternal rest where we will see the River of Life flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb.“Come , all of you who are thirsty, come to the waters;…”Isaiah 55:1

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Please order your books as soon as possible.Send your book order to Executive Secretary, Dawn Johnson, 2991 30th Ave, Wilson, WI 54027, or 715-772-4454.


The WMF website is up and running. Be sure to check it out.

June 16, 2009 Annual WMF Day! Be sure to join us in Fergus Falls, MN.