Trust in the Lord
Margaret Loken
Margaret Loken
On October 6, 2008, we received a phone call at 11:30 PM. My 85 year old mother had fallen. We later learned that she had suffered a compression fracture of a vertebra in her back. Since that date, we have gone through many unforeseen situations and faced many difficult decisions. Through it all, I have been sustained by scripture and prayer support.
One of my greatest struggles has always been in the area of decision making. I always try to do the right thing, but during these times I was often not certain what was the right thing. Many scriptures have been significant to me, but none more so than Proverbs 3: 5 & 6.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and He will make your paths straight."
The Amplified Bible expands on the words "trust in" in verse five by adding two additional phrases. The first is the phrase "lean on". In tough times, this encourages us to rest the literal weight of our troubled minds on Him. The second phrase is "be confident in". To me this implies a strong sense of certainty. God will support us when we are tried and tired. The second part of verse five tells us to "lean not on your own understanding". Here is one of my personal downfalls. I find myself constantly trying to figure things out, in order to create a game plan. But our faithful Father is showing me that there are not always earthly answers or strategies for the problems we face. I now believe I am supposed to do what I can, and accept what is. I am learning to rely on God and trust what I cannot know to Him. And yes, it is hard. Yet at the same time, it is the greatest comfort to remember that He is in charge. And as verse six implies, straightening out my uncertain and crooked path. As I move forward into uncharted territory, I am remembering to seek Him first and foremost. I praise Him for His constant support. And I repent of my sin of control. When I do this, peace and strength follow. And not surprisingly, game plans come to mind that I did not conceive. The book of Isaiah says it so well in chapter 30, verse 15:
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength."
My mother's back has healed, but we learned recently that she has Alzheimer Disease. I know that many have walked this path before me. I am grateful to the Lord for the wonderful support both human and divine which He has provided and will continue to provide for me. I hope that these words from scripture will encourage some of you as they continue to encourage me.