is NO Surprise to God
By Carolyn Feldman
Our Savior’s Free Lutheran Church
Stanley, North Dakota
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity underheaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
Seasonal Change
The word “season” denotes change. As a farmer’s wife, I like to see the fall color-change in grains so they can be harvested. This year with the beautiful, but uncommonly cool, summer; many wondered if the grains would even ripen. Many complained about the weather, but now the farmers in our region have been blessed with a harvest like no one has seen before. We must always remember what God promises us in Ecclesiastes 3:2: “a time to plant and a time to uproot.” Our anxious thoughts can be consoled with this promise. It is way-too-easy to complain about the current situation and forget about God’s bigger plan and its fulfillment.
Life Change
Happenings in our daily life bring changes. Some events we want to happen and others are surprises that are not always easy to accept. Selling our dairy herd this fall, after milking for 41 years, has brought a dramatic change to our family. The routine of milking twice-a-day and always having to be home for chores instantly changed. It was a difficult decision knowing that another chapter of our life is closed and that there would be no cows milked on this farm again. But, as some doors are closed, God opens new doors. Now it is great to do our devotions together in the morning and not have to rush to do chores. In February, we will be first-time grandparents. We have waited a long time for this occasion, only to find out that we will be doubly blessed. Yes, twins!! My husband says that the only bad thing about this is that he will now have to sleep with a Grandma! God knew that selling those dairy cows would allow this Grandma to spend a whole lot more time with the twins.*
Economic Change
I am sure many have heard about the oil boom in Mountrail County of northwestern North Dakota. This has brought many changes to everyone living in the area. It has impacted our city businesses, housing has become a problem, paved roads have been broken up and put back to gravel, many new homes are being built, new jobs were created, and school enrollment has increased. God has truly blessed the community. As we sit back and reminisce about the changes in our lives, we realize that none of it was a surprise to God,and this brings inner peace knowing “that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that men will revere him.” (Ecclesiastes 3:14)
*Shortly after this devotion as written, the daughter that was carrying the twins went into premature labor at 22 weeks. Baby Abby was born, baptized, and taken to her heavenly home on October 6. Twin sister, Libby, continues to fight for her life. Even in this dramatic change of events, the Feldmans’ trust is in God who is their ever-present help in time of need (Psalm 46:1).