You are cordially invited to attend the annual convention of the
Women’s Missionary Federation of the AFLC
to be held on Tuesday, June 15, 2010,
at the AFLC Schools Campus.
Women’s Missionary Federation of the AFLC
to be held on Tuesday, June 15, 2010,
at the AFLC Schools Campus.
At this convention you will experience times of prayer, praise and worship, and Bible study, all based on the theme of the conference: “Encourage one another. . . for such a time as this.” The theme verses are from Hebrews 10:25b: “but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” and Esther 4:14b: “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this.”
There will be special speakers like our 2010 Bible study writer, Mary Christiansen, from Fergus Falls, Minnesota, who will lead the morning Bible study and Brazil missionary Becky Abel, who will speak at our banquet. We look forward to being led in praise and worship by the 2010 AFLBS Ambassadors. We plan to have a time to remember those who have gone home to eternity during the past year.
You will also be able to participate in the conducting of important business of the WMF. There will be election of officers, adoption of resolutions, passing of the budget for 2011, and the final vote on the amended recommended amendment that was brought before the WMF convention last year.
That amended amendment reads as follows:
Section 2: Officers in the WMF shall be a President, a first Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Communication Secretary, a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer.
Section 5: Officers shall be elected for a term of three years. All officers may be eligible for re-election but no officer shall hold the same office for more than two successive terms. The President and the Communication Secretary shall be elected one year; the First Vice President and the Recording Secretary the following year; the Second Vice President and the Treasurer the third year. Newly elected officers shall officially assume their duties at the first regular National Board meeting following their election.
This amended amendment passed by a ballot vote of 174 to 17. If this is approved by two-thirds of those present and voting at WMF Day in 2010, it will become part of the constitution.
In the afternoon, workshops will be held based on our theme verses. The workshop leaders will lead you from several different perspectives of encouragement, where we are in our lives and where God has placed us.
Wednesday morning, the Leadership Breakfast will be held. This breakfast will be for any woman who is interested in women’s ministries in your congregation. The theme of the breakfast this year will be “Encouraging you in your Women’s Ministries.” We hope that you will come and participate. We would like to hear from many of you about what you are doing in your congregations and communities to share Christ with the women. Come and expect a blessing on Wednesday morning. We plan to be done with our breakfast meeting in plenty of time to get to the opening business session of the conference.
AFLC missionary on loan to World Mission Prayer League in Mexico, Darwin Jackson, will speak at the Mission Festival Service on Wednesday evening. Again we will have special music and there will be a time of honoring Tim and Renata Heinrichs for their service as AFLC missionaries on loan to Eastern European Mission Network serving in Poland.
Ladies, we would welcome you warmly and are very grateful to the faculty and staff at the AFLC schools for serving as our hosts this year. We look forward to seeing the beautiful campus and you will get to see what some of your gifts have done to improve life on the campus for students and faculty alike! Because of your faithful giving, many things have been accomplished from the completion of the kitchenette and coffee lounge area in the girls’ dorm to the work done on the Seminary chapel after the installation of the beautiful pipe organ. You will get to experience the beautiful sounds of the pipe organ at the WMF Day and throughout the conference. It is truly a wonderful gift to the schools.
You may register for this special day and other days of the conference by using the registration forms in the March issue of The Lutheran Ambassador magazine. There is also information regarding housing in that issue.
Please pray that God would be honored and glorified in all that is said and done. Pray that hearts and lives would be changed by this special day in the lives of the AFLC women.