2009 Eastern District Fall Conference
The Annual Eastern District AFLC Women’s Conference and Pastor’s Luncheon was held at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Ambridge, PA on Saturday, October 17, 2009. The focus was on 1 Timothy 1:7 “For God had not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
The program was opened by Pat King, St. John’s WMF President. A welcome address was given by Theresa Thayer, Eastern District AFLC Representative. Each congregation was recognized. Those attending were women and pastors from:
St. Paul’s Evangelical Free Lutheran, Hagerstown, MD; Pastor Terry Culler
Christ Community Church, Hagerstown, MD; Pastor Richard Carr
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Newark, OH; Pator Thomas Olson
St. John’s of Lovi Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cranberry Twp., PA; Pastor
William Steele
Ruthfred Lutheran Church, Bethel Park, PA; Pastors James Molstre, Steven
Carlson and Vicar Micah Hjermstad
Mt. Zion Lutheran Church, Landisberg, :A
Tressler Memorial Free Lutheran Church, Loysville, PA
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Ambridge, PA and Pastor Gordon Strunk
Peace Lutheran, Canal Winchester, OH
The hymn, “Hark! I Hear the Savior Walking” followed by a prayer offered by Pastor Gordon F. Strunk of St. John’s Lutheran, Ambridge. A buffet luncheon followed.
A presentation and discussion groups addressed “Outside My Comfort Zone” and “Facing Fear Through Rejection.” Coffee and dessert were served. During this time, the possibility of beginning an Eastern District News Letter was discussed.
The service followed. A welcome was given by Pastor Strunk and the hymn “My Hope is Build” was sung. After the confession, absolution and prayer, the hymn “Holy Spirit” was sung. The sermon, given by Pastor Strunk addressed “Getting Rid of Fear.” Closing remarks by Theresa Thayer and Pat King were followed by the closing prayer and the Lord’s Prayer. After the Benediction, the hymn “Lift High the Cross” was sung.
Immediately following the service, we gathered in the courtyard, where we were given helium balloons of various colors. Attached to the bottom of the balloon was a small envelope containing the passage John 3:16 and information about St. John’s church. While we sang the doxology, we released the balloons. What a beautiful ending to a blessed day!!
Respectfully submitted by Theresa Thayer, Eastern District Women’s Representative
September 26th, 2009
September 26th, 2009
The Eastern North Dakota District WMF met for its Fall Rally at West Prairie Free Lutheran Church in Kindred, ND. The theme was “Mount Up on Eagle’s Wings”. The theme verse was Isaiah 40:31, “Yet those who wait upon the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, and they will walk and not become weary.” The theme hymn was “Jesus, Savior Pilot Me”.
The morning session opened with hymns of praise led by Pam Twedt from St. Paul’s Free Lutheran in Fargo, ND.
Joanne Mundfrom, Valley City, ND, read scripture and prayer from the theme verse, Isaiah 40:31.
West Prairie Free Lutheran WMF president, Debby Strand, welcomed the guests and made housekeeping announcements.
Heidi Larson, accompanied by Ruth Larson, both of Park River, ND, sang “His Eye is on the Sparrow” for special music.
Guest speaker for the day was Mr. Lavon Bohling, FLAPS Director of the AFLC. FLAPS is the Free Lutheran Association of Pilots Supporters. This organization works with various missions within the AFLC that need airplanes and/or transportation for mission work. FLAPS especially works with Home Missions and the Alaska mission.
Fern Bohling, representing the AFLC Parish Education Department, gave an update on a variety of projects in the works at the Department.
District President, Ruth Antal, opened the business meeting. The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports were read and approved.
There was no old business.
New business included Rally offering designation and discussion, donation to AFLC missions, nominations and elections, resolutions and Spring Rally invitation.
MSC to divide the Rally offering three equal ways for FLAPS, Parish Education and the Ambassador Institute.
MSC to send a donation of $550 out of the WMF District treasury designation half to the World Missions Department and half to the Home Missions Department.
The Nominating Committee presented the nominations for Vice President and Secretary. The results of the unanimous ballot were: JoAnn Miller, Vice President and Jennifer Dryburgh, Secretary.
MSC to accept the 2009 WMF Resolutions as presented by Rose Carlson.
A Spring Rally invitation was extended to the WMF District Women by New Luther Valley in McVille, ND. The Spring Rally will be held April 24th, 2010.
MSC to adjourn the END District Fall Business meeting.
District Treasurer, Katrina Zeltinger, directed the ushers in taking the morning offering.
Carol Hoops closed the morning session with prayer.
Phyllis Peterson, Portland, ND, opened the afternoon session with devotions. She shared from Ephesians 3:14-21.
Pam Twedt led the afternoon hymns of praise.
Mr. Lavon Bohling gave a PowerPoint presentation on the Alaska Mission.
Afternoon offering and prayer was directed by Treasurer Katrina Zeltinger. The total offering for the Rally was 1115.00.
The Registration Committee reported that there were 48 guests in attendance, 45 ladies, 2 visitors and 1 pastor.
Pastor Lee Hoops closed in prayer and with the benediction.
Respectfully Submitted by
Jennifer Dryburgh
WMF Secretary