Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WMF 50th Anniversary Celebration


          It’s not too late for you to register for the CELEBRATION AT WMF DAY on June 12, 2012. We are marking the 50th Anniversary of the WMF of the AFLC at this event.   It will be held at the Evangelical Free Church in Thief River Falls, Minnesota.   Name tags and meal tickets will be available for you to pick up between 8:00 and 8:45 a.m.  The Registration form for WMF Day is available on the WMF Day page of this website.  Just click on the “Features of the Month” tab and go to WMF Day.  You will be able to print out the document, fill it out and send it in to the address on the form.  Registrations must be postmarked no later than May 31, 2012.

            The program will begin promptly at 8:45 a.m. with a prelude provided by the 2012 Ambassadors from AFLBS.  We will be privileged to have our Bible study led by Faylin Myhre, Abercrombie, North Dakota.  She is the writer of this year’s WMF Bible study, Pearls for a Princess.  Come and study the Word as presented to us in the theme: “Thus Has the Lord Helped Us” from I Samuel 7:12.  A Memorial Service will be held to honor all of the past WMF officers who have gone on before us as well as women in your districts who have died in the last year.  Our business meeting will include the election of a new president and a new corresponding secretary. 

In the afternoon, workshops will be led by former Executive Secretary of the WMF, Karen Knudsvig of Buxton, North Dakota, Sarah Nelson, a former AFLC Missionary from Ontonagon, Michigan, and Jeremy and Lacey Crowell, working in Naknek, Alaska, with Home Missions.  At our banquet that evening we will honor past presidents of the WMF and have them share short thoughts about their time as president of the WMF. 

On Wednesday, June 13, at 7:00 a.m. we will hold a WMF Breakfast that is open to EVERY woman of the WMF.  This will be held at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Thief River Falls.  We will have a mission emphasis with Pam Olson, from Savage, Minnesota, speaking to us.  Pam’s husband, Kevin, is the director of the Ambassador Institute.  Come early, be blessed again by the Word of God, and be challenged in hearing about the mission work of the AFLC.

After the WMF Missions Breakfast the Advisory Committee of the WMF will meet.  This committee includes all district presidents (or their delegates) and Advisory members where there is no organized WMF District.  We encourage you to come and meet the new WMF President and Corresponding Secretary.  You can share your comments and concerns with the WMF board.  This meeting will start about 8:00 (right after the breakfast) and last until about 9:00.  We should not miss out on too much of the beginning of the AFLC Conference on Wednesday morning. 

Wednesday evening will be our Mission Festival Service, at 7:00 p.m. at Lincoln High School Auditorium.   Pastor Nate Jore, missionary to Uganda, is scheduled to speak to us on the WMF conference theme.  We will recognize all AFLC missionaries and former missionaries at this service. A reception will be held after the service in honor of the 50 years of the AFLC as well as all the missionaries who have served and are serving the Lord in AFLC Missions. 


Registration begins at 8 a.m. with the program beginning at 9 a.m.