Wednesday, May 20, 2009



By Lorilee Mundfrom,
Women’s Missionary Federation President
Robin Jameson,
Correspondence Secretary

“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.” Romans 12 :6
When the Women’s Missionary Federation of the AFLC meets for our annual conference in Fergus Falls, Minnesota, on June 16, 2009, we will gather under the above theme. We are encouraged in Romans 12:6 to use the gifts that we have received, according to the grace given to us. We each have gifts that we have been given, and we are responsible to use them to bring honor and glory to Jesus. We will spend time pondering how to use the gifts God has given us and perhaps discover new ways to use them in reaching out, especially to other women around us.

We look forward to you joining us at the conference. The WMF day events on Tuesday will be at Life Church. The address for this church is 901 W County Highway 116, Fergus Falls. This church is not too far from the conference headquarters.

The WMF Women’s Outreach Coordinator, Faylin Myhre, will lead the Tuesday morning Bible Study.

As usual, you will also be blessed by praise music, devotions, memorial service, and prayer time. We will conclude the morning with a short business meeting. Elections will take place for President, 3rd Vice President, and Communications Secretary. The National Board will propose a constitutional change in regards to reducing the size of the board. They have developed a plan to help balance financial concerns with the large work load. If the board size is reduced, many volunteers would be needed for both short and long commitments in order to fill the voids. Please keep these items in prayer.

The Luncheon program is planned including special music and a delightful skit. Ruth Antal, Park River, North Dakota, will share with us about how God has been speaking to her this last year and teaching her how to discover and use her gift for Him. Following the Luncheon we will break up into smaller groups for the following workshops:
  • Power of Prayer –Ruby Abel
  • Let Your Light Shine – Pastor Jim Rasmussen, Director of Evangelism for the AFLC
  • Balancing Priorities – Jeanie Jorgenson, East Grand Forks, Minnesota
  • Ministering Through Your Home – Rose Carlson, Grafton, North Dakota

We also have 2 evening gatherings. Tuesday evening is the Women’s Banquet with Missionary Barb Schierkolk speaking. Wednesday night is the Mission Festival Service. Todd Schierkolk will be bringing the message. It will be so good to fellowship with them during this time that they are home from Mexico.

Wednesday morning we will have the Leadership Breakfast for local and district officers as well as any other women who are interested in participating in leadership in your local women’s ministries. President Lorilee Mundfrom will speak on “Essentials for Leadership.” We hope you will plan to attend.

Please use the AFLC registration form to register for WMF Day, WMF Luncheon, and the WMF Banquet on Tuesday. You may also register for the Leadership Breakfast to be held on Wednesday morning on this form. Please keep these times in prayer that God would teach and inspire each woman attending to use the gifts He has given her. We look forward to reuniting with old friends and meeting new ones this year in Fergus Falls. See you there!

The people from Calvary Free Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls are busy making preparations for your attendance at the conference. They will welcome us with warmth and love. Please come prepared to share in this special day set aside for the women of the AFLC. We are privileged to do this annually.

See you in June!


WMF Schedule

Tuesday WMF Day
Registration 8:00—8:45 a.m.
Morning Session 9:00 a.m.
Luncheon Noon
Workshops 1:45– 2:45 p.m. and 3:15—4:15p.m.

  • The Power of Prayer: Ruby Abel
  • Let Your Light Shine: Jim Rasmussen
  • Balancing Priorities: Jeanne Jorgenson
  • Ministering Through Your Home: Rose Carlson

Banquet 5:00– 6:30 p.m.
Opening Service for Annual Conference 7:30 p.m.

WMF Leadership Breakfast Wednesday morning 7:00 a.m.
Mission Festival Wednesday evening 7:00 p.m.

To Register for WMF Day click here.



Molly Wiesen, WMF 2nd Vice President

“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom--.” Col. 3:16

Investments. Mortgages. Jobs. Taxes. Interest rates. Cash. Gold. Savings. Loss. Gain. Are these words and concepts occupying your thoughts, prayers, and time? How about “sports schedules”, “appointments”, “lawn chores”, “housework”, “must-see TV programs”, “school”, “shopping”, “church work”? Is your energy being depleted day after day, month after month? How’s your bank account? I share these things with you as an “admonishment” and a reminder that the Lord had different things in mind for our time, treasure and talents.

The Lord has confronted me recently with the big reminder – all that I am, have, and hope to be is HIS, on loan to me for a short period of time on this earth. He used, among other things, the book “The Treasure Principle”, by Randy Alcorn (Multnomah Books, 2001). If you have not read this, I would challenge you to do so. And then ready yourself for some tough decisions. Do I believe Him when He says, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10); and “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, --- but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy—. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:19-21)

In this news-letter, you will read about Kalika Peske, short-term mission worker, who made the choice of leaving behind family, future plans, school loans, personal advancement, and “getting on with her life”. She chose to give of her time in service to Christ through work with Nate and Rhoda Jore, our AFLC missionaries in Uganda. I don’t think she would classify herself as a “super-Christian” or hero. She just read God’s Word, believed Him, and made a choice to obey Him for what He gave her to do. He gives us the chance to do likewise in what He prepares for us.

At our annual WMF day in June, we will be focusing on the theme verse from Romans 12:6, “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us--.” What a great time to consider what gifts, talents and treasures the Lord has shared with us! It is not easy. We are in a battle. In this world, we are faced with expectations, responsibilities, temptations, trials, and tragedy. Do these things get you “off track”, like they do me? Let us choose to meditate on God’s Word, humble ourselves before Him in repentance and gratitude for His mercy and faithfulness, and then seek His help to convict, guide, and direct us in using our lives for service and glory to Him!



Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 10:18 AM
Subject: Uganda comes to a close

Dear family and friends,

Well, the countdown begins. My six months in Uganda is almost at an end. In two and a half weeks I leave Entebbe, travel for about 24 hours, and fly into the Minneapolis airport. The good news is that coming home I travel West around the globe, and gain time instead of lose it. It's like the Daylights Savings time change: fall back, spring forward. Only I'm falling way, way back :-). Hopefully that means that I won't struggle as much with jet lag.
I thought that to give you a few glimpses into life in Uganda, I'd list some of the things that are the same here and some that are different. None of them seem major, but when you notice them, they just strike you like, "Huh! I never knew that people even in Africa use cell phones!" Or "Wow, I never realized in America how much I take for granted having power."
Okay, I'll start with some of the things that are the SAME:
--Cell phones! This is kind of the same, kind of different. Cell phones are big business here also, and you see lots of marketing and advertising for them in every city and village. There are four major cell phone companies here: MTN, Zain, Celtel, and Warid. But here, there are no cell phone plans. You initially have to pay to buy your phone, but then you just buy varying amounts of "airtime": money that gets deducted from your phone each time you make a call. Kind of like a debit card. Calls cost 10 shillings/second, although at low-traffic times, you will get a discount from that rate, 30%, 50%, 80%, or even 99% (usually the middle of the night). So because the length of your phone call determines how much it will cost, people here have really fast, really clipped phone conversations. People will end a call, Okaybye*click*. No sense wasting airtime!
--Entertainment! Western, and particularly American, pop culture definitely makes its way all around the world. People here know Beyonce, Will Smith, and Hollywood movie stars. I've seen American celebrity gossip magazines in cafes. Every once in a while when I'm walking on Main Street, I hear strains of music and realize suddenly, "That's Whitney Houston!" Or Jordin Sparks, or Celine Dion, or Brad Paisley.
I guess my list of things that are DIFFERENT is longer:
--You can buy medicines over the counter. Go to any pharmacy, and tell them what you need--antibiotics, malaria medication--and they'll sell it to you. No prescription necessary.
--Power outages. They happen usually 1-3 times a week, lasting from 2-12 hours. I think only once or twice since I've been here has it been longer than that. Jinja is right at the source of the Nile River, and they're working on constructing a new dam. The current one doesn't provide enough energy to service the whole city, so they have to take turns shutting down different sections of the city. Between that, and sometimes turning off power for all of Jinja so they can work on the dam during the day, you never know when it's going to go out. We always keep kerosene lamps and flashlights handy.
--Steering wheels are on the right side; driving is on the left side.
--Mattresses. There are no box springs, and no bouncy mattresses. Here, your bed has wood slats across the underside of the frame, and you put a 4-6 inch foam mattress on top. Kind of like a cot. Actually, I find it extremely comfortable and will miss it when I return to America.
--Cake. You know how in America, cake is good if it is nice and moist? Here, people think a moist cake means the cake is "melting." When it comes to cake, the drier the better. This means that some people might make a cake a week or two before a special occasion and then let it dry out for all that time. Can you believe that? Who knew moist cake was a cultural thing?
I never thought I would learn so much about my own country's culture by going to another one. I also never realized how much culture America really does have. Or how much I love America for what it is. It's not perfect, and there are definitely things I wish were different. Regardless: I. Love. America.
About a month ago, I house-sat for two weeks for a missionary family that was doing some traveling. They have three dogs that needed a little care and feeding. No problem. Unfortunately, the family had arranged for men to come and spray their attic for bats...and the bats found a way to get from the attic down into the house. DISGUSTING! The first night I saw one, it was late so I just avoided it and went to bed. The second night, as if on cue, three swooped out and started flying around the living room while I was watching a video. I enlisted the help of the night guard to eradicate them...and between the two of us we killed 17 bats that night. They really liked hiding in the curtains, so we went around the whole house batting at the curtains. Some of the bats were flopping around on the floor and I could kill those ones, but the ones that were flying around the room I had a hard time handling. So Joel (jo-EL) the night guard was my hero for a few days. After the first night, I was hopeful we had them all, but the layout of their house is awful--all corners. So every time I walked around one I expected to have a bat fly out at me--which happened. And at night as soon as I lay down, every noise sounded like a bat flopping or flying around. And more than once it was. I could tell more stories about bats on my mosquito net, and bats chasing me out of the bathroom, and bats in the bathtub...but you get the picture :-)
At Welcome Home, the orphanage where I volunteer once a week, there is a boy in the baby house who was brought there about a year ago. Emmanuel, or Eman, had apparently been abandoned just after he was born--another family found him by their latrine with the umbilical cord still attached--and they brought him to the hospital who brought him to the police who brought him to Welcome Home. In visiting with my neighbor girl, Norah, who is about my age, I realized that SHE was the one who found the boy, Emmanuel! So I asked her last week if she'd like to go with me on Thursday afternoon and see Eman now. She was so eager, and when we got there she couldn't believe that it was the same baby! Eman sustained some physical and possibly mental damage because of being left in the cold when he was born. His left arm just hangs by his side and the muscles cause his left hand to often be clenched tightly. Because he can't use one arm, he doesn't crawl, even though he's over a year. But he scoots around on his bottom and his eyes show so much comprehension and understanding. He likes looking at books, though his poor fine motor skills making turning pages difficult.
During my last weeks here, I'm doing all the teaching for Elijah and Judah. The Jores are getting ready for a six-month furlough beginning in July which involves a ton of preparation: lining up times to visit supporting churches, creating a PowerPoint presentation to share, buying souvenirs to take back to family, friends, and churches, etc. So I've taken over all the schooling to allow Rhoda time to work on those things in the mornings. Although preschool is not my thing when it comes to teaching, it's different in a home with only two boys, and I've really enjoyed coming up with activities to do with them.
Easter was fun to celebrate here in Uganda. I was talking with my friend Sadie (20, from Alaska, also here short-term) about how it doesn't really "feel" like Easter or Christmas when the weather is so warm and we don't see all the marketing, etc. But as we thought more, we realized that it's really neat to strip away all those associations we usually make with Easter--and realize that the holiday means no less. In fact, it might mean more! The essence of the celebration is still the same: it's all about Jesus and our God who has a love that pursues us even when we throw his love back in his face. Can you believe that?
On Easter morning, I attended a sunrise service with the Jores at the church that meets at the home of the Nesters, missionaries from Virginia. It was outdoors, only about 35 people, and mostly a muzungu (white) crowd, but very enjoyable and followed by a potluck breakfast. Then I went to the 10:15 service at Calvary Chapel, a much more Ugandan-feeling service and mostly attended by Ugandans. For Easter lunch we had our night guard Bosco and his family over, as well as another of Rhoda's Ugandan friends, Tracy, and her two boys. Lunch here is 2:00, by the way. We had mostly Ugandan food: rice, beans, cabbage, potatoes, chicken (a treat for people here), and vegetables. And for dessert we had pumpkin pie which was completely new and they all loved it! Then we sang some songs, and Nate told the story of Joseph. He recently taught that one to the pastors in the village and when he was working it out with his translator beforehand, they came to a neat connection. At the end when Joseph's brothers are before him and realize who he is, they are frozen with fear: the one person that knows every detail of their secret sin is standing in front of them with all the power to punish/torture/get revenge however he pleases. For us, God is the one person that knows all our actions--even the secrets, the hidden sins. And yet Joseph's words to his brothers were: "Come near to me." Same as God. Cool, huh? It was a really enjoyable Easter, topped off by a great Skype date with my mom and sister.
With only a couple of weeks left here, I'm starting to think about some of the things I've missed that I'm eager to get back to. So far, the list looks something like this:
--not feeling like a spectacle everywhere I go--white people really stick out, and often people on the street know a lot more about you than you realize. One time I had picked up a package at the post office and after giving the boda driver a few directions about where to turn to get back to the Jores' house, he nodded at me and waved my hand away. "I know where." I was like, "huh?! you do?!?"
--fast internet

But there are things I will miss, too:
--riding bodas. They're such a calm, unhurried way to get around.
--fish. You can't get fish any better than the stuff caught fresh out of Lake Victoria that morning.
--going to a church that meets outside
--the beauty and undeveloped nature of the land
--bananas. mangoes. pineapple. They'll never taste as good in America again.
--the relaxed pace of life

When I get back, my plan is to live at home until I find a job. I'd like to land somewhere in Minnesota, but where really depends on how the job hunt goes. Probably either the Cities or Bemidji. I've also considered going back to school for my Masters, but don't know if I really feel super passionate about that. Although my future is one big question mark right now, I have a ton of peace about it (pretty atypical for me) and am just trusting that God will make clear my next steps when I need to know them.
This e-mail hasn't had the smoothest transitions between paragraphs :-). Sorry about that. Hope you've enjoyed the glimpses into Uganda and my life here. How was YOUR Easter celebration? What things are new or notable in your life right now? I love hearing back from anyone on this mass e-mail list. Although massers have a reputation for being impersonal and a good way to communicate with a lot of people that you don't care enough about to send individual e-mails to, I always think of the individual people on this address list every time I compose my e-mails and I'm so thankful to know each one of you!



There will be discussion on the reasoning for this proposed change to the constitution at the conference but we wanted to post the proposed change so that you have time to look at it and consider it before we meet.

Article V Section 2 and 5
(Current Amendment)

Section 2: Officers in the WMF shall be a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Third Vice President, a Communication Secretary, a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer.

Section 5: Officers shall be elected for a term of three years. All officers may be eligible for re-election but no officer shall hold the same office for more than two successive terms. The President, Third Vice President and Communications Secretary shall be elected one year; the First Vice President and the Secretary the following year; the Second Vice President and the Treasurer the third year. Newly elected officers shall officially assume their duties at the first regular National Board meeting following their election.

Proposed Amendment
(To be presented at the 2009 WMF Annual Conference)

Proposed Amendment to Article V section 2 and 5 are as follows:

Section 2: Officers in the WMF shall be a President, a Vice President, a Communication Secretary, a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer.

Section 5: Officers shall be elected for a term of three years. All officers may be eligible for re-election but no officer shall hold the same office for more than two successive terms. The President and the Communications Secretary shall be elected one year; the Vice President and the Recording Secretary the following year and the Treasurer the third year. Newly elected officers shall officially assume their duties at the first regular National Board meeting following their election.


"Fifty Years Under the Southern Cross." It sells for $17.00 a copy which includes postage and handling. The book can be ordered from Mercy and Truth Publishers, 19594 350th Street NW, Newfolden, MN 56738. A check or money order can also be used.