Tuesday, November 13, 2012


We would like to announce that the WMF enewsletter blog has a new home.  

The address is:

You can also find us on facebook
FB:  https://www.facebook.com/WomensMissionaryFederation

Monday, September 10, 2012


What does the word “hope” say to you?  I’ve come to love that word, “hope”.  To me, one who has hope has confidence.  A person who is hopeful cannot help but be positive in their outlook. 

I have a goal of doing a Scripture word study on the word “hope”.  Do you know how many times the word hope is used in the Word of God? On the BibleGateway.com website, I put in a search for the number of times the word hope occurs in the New International Version of the Bible, and it gave me 174 times.  18 of those occurrences were in the book of Job and 31 of those were in the book of Psalms.  The “weeping prophet” Jeremiah used the word hope 14 times in Jeremiah and Lamentations (certainly some, but surely not all, of those were references to when he had lost hope or the Israelites had lost hope).   

Jeremiah 29:11 says, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”  

Lamentations 3:21-22 says, “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.”

Psalms 42: 5, 42:11, and 43:5 all say the same thing:  “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

I have struggled on and off with feelings of “hopelessness” in my life.  Sometimes these feelings come because of physical difficulties.  Sometimes they come because of being emotionally drained.  But when I go to the Word of God and find Scriptures like the ones quoted above, I cannot help but find comfort and peace in the Lord because He is my Hope and my Comfort.  He is my Peace and my Salvation.  He is faithful to His word and He is the One I can praise. As I praise Him I find Hope! 

Some time ago I was listening to a radio broadcast on my way to work.  The program was about a man who had been a minister of the Word for many years.  When he was age 47 he went through a very difficult time of depression in his life.  He had such a hard time continuing on with his ministry.  But he did because he knew God had called him.  He stated the times before going to church on Sunday morning were probably the darkest times for him.  It was most difficult for him to get the courage to go.  But he did and he found that as he gathered with other believers and worshipped the Lord, and shared the Word of God with them, he was most encouraged and found great hope!  It took time for him to come out of these difficult days, but eventually he realized that when he focused his thoughts on God and the Hope that he had in Him, he was able to get through each day stronger and more hopeful than the day before. 

HOPE – what does that word mean to you?  To me it is a confidence that I can have, even when days are hard, that God is with me and He will get me through even the most difficult times.  We don’t know what the future holds for any of us.  But we do have HOPE because we know our future is in His hands!

HOPE – I know Heaven is in my future!  When my work on this earth is done, however long or short that time may be, I have HOPE (confidence)  of going to Heaven, being reunited with loved ones who have gone on before, and seeing Jesus face to face.  This has nothing to do with me – it is all to do with what Jesus has done for me.  What a glorious time that will be! 



“This is the confidence we have in approaching God:  that if we ask anything according to His will,
 he hears us.”  1 John 5:14

By now, we are into the busy fall schedule at our churches.  We love summer and a time away, but it is good to get back into a routine.  What new or perhaps old responsibilities have you taken on for this coming year in your church? Are you enjoying the work you are doing for the Lord or do you already feel like you are overwhelmed or in a rut?  How many times do we decide to do something, try something new, or even do the same thing we have been doing for years without consulting God and His will for this ministry?  We might wonder why a ministry is not effective. Could it be because we do not pray in advance asking the Lord to mold us into the ministry, to equip us by the Holy Spirit and to submit to His leading?  Maybe we did pray but on such short notice that we did not give God the time to work answers in our heart.  Perhaps what is lacking is a freshness & joy in our ministry from the very beginning because we started what seemed good to us rather that this is of God’s will.   Sound like something you are experiencing?   Jesus says in John 15:5  “I am the vine, you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in Him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  Here is our hope, our existence for life and our provision for ministry; it is Jesus Christ and Him alone.  Is it not Jesus and His will upon which our ministries and we must rely?  May we return Jesus to His rightful focus in our desire to serve and be the Master of our ministries.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


WMF Resource Manual

        WMF Resource Manual

It is here!  The WMF Resource Manual is ready.  Some of the WMF groups who attended WMF Day and Conference 2012 received their copies while there.  These Manuals contain all the information that you need as a WMF that is functioning or as a women’s group interested in getting a WMF started.  It explains the set up and function of the WMF on all three levels (local, district and national) with other information on Bible study helps, women’s ministry and leadership development.  It has project descriptions, missionary information and program ideas for you to draw from and also includes some history of how the WMF began and who has served as officers throughout the years.  We hope to get the rest of the manuals distributed by the end of the year to those who didn't receive their copies yet.  The grant that we received did not cover all of the expense of the manual, if your WMF group or ladies would like to give towards this project please send a donation to our treasurer Lois Grothe.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Eastern North Dakota

September 22, 2012
Registration and Coffee:  9:30 a.m.
Morning Session Begins at 10 a.m.
St. Paul’s Free Lutheran Church
2802  12th Street South, Fargo, ND

Theme:  “The Lord is Our Helper”
Theme Verse: “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 1:6
Theme Hymn: “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”
Morning Speaker:  Pastor Connely Dyrud
Afternoon Speaker:  Amy Skogerboe

South Dakota

September 22, 2012
Registration: 8:30 a.m.*
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Abiding Savior Lutheran Church
Sioux Falls, SD

Theme:  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you…
Ezekial 36:26
SpeakersPastor Del & Karen Palmer
*There is still time to send in registrations.  There is no cost to attend but the number of those who are attending the rally are needed
for the catered lunch by September 17.
 A love offering will be taken.
Contact 605-371-3800 to register or if you have questions.

Pacific Northwest
September 29
8:30 a.m. Registration
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Atonement Free Lutheran Church
Arlington WA

Southwest Central Minnesota

October 13, 2012
9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Registration: 9 – 10 a.m.
Calvary Free Lutheran Church
1416  County Highway 111, Fergus Falls, MN

Theme:  “Seasons of Thanksgiving”
Theme Verse: Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!  2 Corinthians 9:15
Speaker: Pastor Connely Dyrud, Missionary-At-Large

Western North Dakota/Eastern Montana

October 13, 2012
10 a.m. Central Time
Zion Lutheran Church
Tioga, ND

Theme:  Walk Worthy
Theme Verse: I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  Ephesians 4:1 – 3
Morning Speaker:  Del Palmer
Afternoon Speaker: Karen Palmer
Workshops:  Nancy Rice—Diabetic Education
             Paula Nyman—Photography & WMF Website

Northwestern Minnesota

October 13, 2012

Our Savior’s Free Lutheran
Argyle, MN

Theme:  “In The Potter’s Hands”
Theme Verse: “Yet, O Lord, you are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter.  We are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8
Speakers:  Pastor Nate and Rhoda Jore
AFLC Missionaries to Uganda 


 October 27, 2012
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Minnesota Valley
 Lakeville, MN

Theme: Bringing Good News
Theme Verse:  "How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in?
And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
As it is written, 'How Beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!'"
Romans 10:14-15
Speakers: Loren and Sharon Tungseth
   Home Missions/Alaska.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Where Do We Go From Here?

At WMF Day, 2012, in Thief River Falls, Minnesota we were blessed to remember the work the Lord has done for us and through us as we considered our theme, 
“Thus far has the Lord helped us.”
I Samuel 7:12c. 

We were blessed to look back to the vision of the women who started the WMF of the AFLC back in 1962.  In those beginning years, the concerns of their hearts were that women would have good Lutheran Bible studies to study together in their individual groups and to support the missionaries serving on the mission field. 

It was wonderful to be able to recognize the past officers of the WMF as well as the missionaries who have served on the mission fields.  We thank God for the vision that He gave them as they answered His calling on their lives. 

As the women of the Women’s Missionary Federation of the AFLC in 2012 and beyond, where do we go from here?  In some respects, we must continue with what the vision was of the founding women.  We shall have good Lutheran Bible studies for women to study together in their WMF meetings.  We shall continue to promote the projects that the WMF women so dearly love to support – World Missions; Home Missions; Christian Education - Parish Education, Association Free Lutheran Bible School, the Association Free Lutheran Theological Seminary, and Cradle Roll; and the General Fund of the WMF.  Without your support of ALL of these projects, our WMF will not fulfill the vision of helping to reach the world for Christ.  May God continue to help us by igniting in us the desire to be faithful to do this. 

In John 4 we see Jesus visiting Sychar, a city of Samaria.  He goes to the well to rest after a long journey.  He was obviously thirsty because when the woman of Samaria came to draw water He asked her for a drink of water.  Here this woman was just doing her ordinary work that had to be done when Jesus asked her for a drink of water.  He did not use any prescribed method of evangelism to talk with this woman.  He met her in her everyday activities and spoke with her.  Do you talk to your neighbors, friends, and relatives about their work, their hobbies, and their families?  As you befriend them they will get to know you and you them. If you continue to get to know them, there will be opportunities for you to share with them what Jesus means to you.  There will be opportunities for you to invite them to WMF or other activities where Jesus is presented to them.  You don’t need to be shy about this.  God will give you the courage you need.  

There are several scripture verses that address this issue of courage.  One is Deuteronomy 31:6 (ESV) – “Be strong and courageous . . . . for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.”   Another is Psalm 27:14 (NKJV) – “Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart. . . .

Another exhortation that is specifically for women is this: “Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.”  Titus 2: 3-5 (NASB)

So God has given us specific work to do.  He has given us the tools with which to do that work.  He has given us the strength and courage to complete that work.  So where do we go from here?  I believe it is imperative that we dig deeper into the Word of God together using the WMF Bible studies.  It is imperative that we continue to support the projects of the WMF so we can assist in the work of reaching the world for Christ.  It is imperative that we mentor and encourage one another.  It is imperative that we reach out to those outside our “comfort zone” so that we can bring them to Christ. 

Lord, lay some soul upon my heart
And love that soul through me
And may I always do my part
To win that soul for Thee.



Galatians 5

Challenges have been bombarding!  Circumstances are crowding in!  People are passing along their anxiety, fear, frustration, and anger my direction!  Life seems a tad overwhelming to … I cannot handle it! 

Does any of this sound familiar?  As challenges and circumstances overtake us, we do not need to be overwhelmed.  As we work with people, we will not have perfect relationships because people are not perfect.  We must point ourselves to the Word of God to see how He would have us respond.

While reading Galatians 5, the Holy Spirit changed my mind to a new way of thinking. 

Stand fast in the liberty the Lord has given me.  I have the power, through the Holy Spirit, to choose a different response to life and people.  I can rise above circumstances, as if I was not involved in them, so the Holy Spirit and I can choose a different response.  I do not need to take on other people’s anxiety, fear, frustration or anger.  I do not need to be anxious, fearful, frustrated or angry.  I can help them by asking them how I can pray for them instead.  Satan is prowling around ~ seeking whom he may devour ~ that’s us Christian.  (1 Peter 5:8)  Satan does not want me to have the victory but I CAN have victory through the Lord!

Don’t be tangled up with my past way of doing things which really is bondage.  The Lord can give me a new path to follow ~ a new way of doing things.

When you stumble, you may ask, “I ran well … what happened?  Who made me stumble from obeying the truth?”  The Bible says, “That response did not come from the Lord!”

The Lord and I will have another mind ~ another way of thinking as I allow Him to change me.  I need to stop and pray.  He will transform my thinking as I read His Word.  (Romans 12:2)

The one who troubles me will bear his own judgment.  The Lord will deal with the other person’s responses to life.  I just need to forgive them.

I should not bite and devour anyone so I will not be consumed by anyone. I need to serve others through love instead whether that is through prayer, giving them a Bible verse, meeting a physical need, etc.  I need to love my neighbor as myself.

I have the freedom to choose the right way to live so here are God’s strong words to us …

WALK IN THE SPIRIT!  It kills fleshly ways!

AFLC Missionaries


Please remember to pray for our Missionaries as they serve the Lord in their various fields:

  • Jonathan and Tamba Abel--Brazil
  • Paul and Becky Abel--Brazil
  • Todd and Barb Schierkolk--Mexico (presently in the US)
  • Nate and Rhoda Jore--Uganda (presently on furlough in US)
  • Jonni Sliver--Brazil
  • Justo and Patricia Pillman--Ecuador
  • Connely Dyrud--Missionary-at-large


  • Steve and Glenda Kvale--(Wycliffe Bible Translators – US)
  • Darwin and Mary Ann Jackson--(World Mission Prayer League –Mexico and US)--on leave of absence
  • Andy and Monica Coyle--(Eastern European Missions Network--Ukraine)

For a list of prayer concerns go to aflc.org to the World Missions site and see the list of prayer requests from the various Missionaries.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WMF 50th Anniversary Celebration


          It’s not too late for you to register for the CELEBRATION AT WMF DAY on June 12, 2012. We are marking the 50th Anniversary of the WMF of the AFLC at this event.   It will be held at the Evangelical Free Church in Thief River Falls, Minnesota.   Name tags and meal tickets will be available for you to pick up between 8:00 and 8:45 a.m.  The Registration form for WMF Day is available on the WMF Day page of this website.  Just click on the “Features of the Month” tab and go to WMF Day.  You will be able to print out the document, fill it out and send it in to the address on the form.  Registrations must be postmarked no later than May 31, 2012.

            The program will begin promptly at 8:45 a.m. with a prelude provided by the 2012 Ambassadors from AFLBS.  We will be privileged to have our Bible study led by Faylin Myhre, Abercrombie, North Dakota.  She is the writer of this year’s WMF Bible study, Pearls for a Princess.  Come and study the Word as presented to us in the theme: “Thus Has the Lord Helped Us” from I Samuel 7:12.  A Memorial Service will be held to honor all of the past WMF officers who have gone on before us as well as women in your districts who have died in the last year.  Our business meeting will include the election of a new president and a new corresponding secretary. 

In the afternoon, workshops will be led by former Executive Secretary of the WMF, Karen Knudsvig of Buxton, North Dakota, Sarah Nelson, a former AFLC Missionary from Ontonagon, Michigan, and Jeremy and Lacey Crowell, working in Naknek, Alaska, with Home Missions.  At our banquet that evening we will honor past presidents of the WMF and have them share short thoughts about their time as president of the WMF. 

On Wednesday, June 13, at 7:00 a.m. we will hold a WMF Breakfast that is open to EVERY woman of the WMF.  This will be held at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Thief River Falls.  We will have a mission emphasis with Pam Olson, from Savage, Minnesota, speaking to us.  Pam’s husband, Kevin, is the director of the Ambassador Institute.  Come early, be blessed again by the Word of God, and be challenged in hearing about the mission work of the AFLC.

After the WMF Missions Breakfast the Advisory Committee of the WMF will meet.  This committee includes all district presidents (or their delegates) and Advisory members where there is no organized WMF District.  We encourage you to come and meet the new WMF President and Corresponding Secretary.  You can share your comments and concerns with the WMF board.  This meeting will start about 8:00 (right after the breakfast) and last until about 9:00.  We should not miss out on too much of the beginning of the AFLC Conference on Wednesday morning. 

Wednesday evening will be our Mission Festival Service, at 7:00 p.m. at Lincoln High School Auditorium.   Pastor Nate Jore, missionary to Uganda, is scheduled to speak to us on the WMF conference theme.  We will recognize all AFLC missionaries and former missionaries at this service. A reception will be held after the service in honor of the 50 years of the AFLC as well as all the missionaries who have served and are serving the Lord in AFLC Missions. 


Registration begins at 8 a.m. with the program beginning at 9 a.m.


“Thus Far Has the Lord Helped Us”
 1 Samuel 7:12

                                                               WMF of the AFLC
                                                            Celebrating 50 Years 
The National Women’s Missionary Federation is pleased to announce our annual WMF Day on June 12, 2012 in Thief River Falls, MN.  We invite you to join us as we celebrate 50 years of the WMF of the AFLC, study God’s Word, fellowship together, attend workshops, and sing praises to Him using the theme  “Thus Far Has the Lord Helped Us”   1 Samuel 7:12  We have a wonderful day planned for you and look forward to seeing you there.  Faylin Myhre, our Bible Study writer for 2012 will lead the morning Bible study.  Karen Knudsvig, Sarah Nelson, and Jeremy and Lacey Crowell will lead the afternoon workshops.  The day will conclude with a banquet at 5 p.m. where we will hear from the past WMF National Presidents.  The WMF Breakfast will be held on Wednesday morning, this is open to all women. Pastor Nate Jore will bring the Word to us at the Mission Festival on Wednesday evening. 


Please use this form to register for the WMF Convention, Luncheon, and Banquet on June 12th  or for the WMF Breakfast the morning of June 13th.      

2012 WMF Women’s Day
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Evangelical Free Church
211 Arnold Ave. N., Thief River Falls, MN
Name: ______________________________________________________________________             
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________________            
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________________

Child care and VBS are available for the day.  Please use the AFLC conference registration page for this.

FEES: (Circle if attending)   
         Registration                   $  7.50                  Luncheon                     $8.50
         Banquet                        $11.50                  Wed. Breakfast            $6.50

Wednesday WMF Breakfast will be held at
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church

Make checks payable to WMF of AFLC and send to: Treasurer, Lois Grothe,   
 3745 Franklin Avenue, Astoria, OR  97103
Everyone must please pre-register.  Registrations must be postmarked no later than May 31, 2012.  
If you do not pre-register you are welcome to attend the WMF Day, but may not be able to attend the luncheon and banquet if there are not enough meals available.


(Editor’s Note:  Excerpts Taken from Their Spring Prayer Letter)

“From the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same the
Lord’s name is to be praised”.

I thank God for all of you who in brotherly love have invited us into  your homes, have  fed  us,  have prayed  for  us  and  have encouraged us  with  your  words  and  your  financial  support.

You have helped us to plant churches in other lands and bless people such as Grace. Grace, a beautiful young girl starting down the road to delinquency came to know Christ as her personal Savior, and in the enthusiasm of her new found faith, led her sisters, mother and estranged father to the Lord. Today she is married to one of our pastors that she met in Bible School and is helping him in one of the toughest neighborhoods of her city. Grace is one example of the blessings we see of God’s love as we share the Gospel with others. Thank you for helping make this possible.

Plans & Prayer Requests
  • In April we will be sharing at 3 WMF Rallies and several churches. Pray for us as we travel to these different places: for safety and to be a blessing to all.
  • Pray that all our needed support comes in for our salary and travel expenses.
  • We plan to go back to Brazil in the later part of May. April and Thomas need to go back for official reasons: April, to renew her visa, Thomas, to register for the army (it is mandatory there). Then both of them will return to the US to continue their studies. 

Once again, thank you for your much needed & appreciated prayers and financial support. If you want to see how you can be of greater help, contact “aflc.org” for ministry in Brazil, projects and prayer requests.

(Editor’s Note:  Taken from AFLC World Missions News and Prayer Page)
Nate and Rhoda Jore have announced the birth of Julia Hope. She was born on Thursday, April 19.
Thanks for all who have been praying for the Jores during this time.

(Editor’s Note:  Excerpts taken from her April Prayer Letter)

Filling Up The Tank
I mentioned that Carnival just ended - the biggest street party in the world; and one of the saddest. Carnival is a four day tribute to the flesh before Lent begins. During the streets parties people feel free to do whatever they want because forty days of repentance follows—thousands upon thousands of lives are destroyed, slavery to sin is forged deeper and stronger, all based on a spiritual lie. But Praise the Lord, during the four days of Carnival this year, 210 young people from the AFLC church of Brazil celebrated another way.

ACAMPA ‘12 was a FLY like retreat that sought to fill up young hearts and minds withe the grace and power of God! The theme was “Born to Win” and every session spoke who God had created each young person to be!  From preaching the Word, to breakout groups and even the game times worked to help each young person understand who they are and who they can be in Christ Jesus!

The four oldest Miriam Home residents took part in ACAMPA ’12 (Larissa, Deise, Diane and Jaqueline) as well as Josivaldo (no longer in the Miriam Home, but still very close to us! He visits at least once a week, and is faithful and firm in the La Parana Church). For our young ladies the retreat was wonderful. For Jaqueline and Larissa (on the shy side) it was thrilling to see them, day by day, joining in more and more in the small group activities, sitting at lunch tables with new friends and leaving the retreat with a list of new Orkut friends (more popular in Brazil than Facebook. But more than a chance to improve their social skills, all four girls learned more of their true value before the Lord. Because these precious girls are with us for a short time it is a huge blessing to have these days set apart to invest in their lives!

Please Keep Praying!
  • It is likely that Luis will be back with his family shortly.  Please pray that he will allow the Holy Spirit to continue to move in his life.
  • For Paola, 11, Caroline, 15, Ana Paula, 15 and Andreza, 17; the newest Miriam Home residents.                         

  • For the Bible school students especially that they would feel at home here.                           

Bless you all!  


I can’t even tell you how blessed I have been by the WMF. Precious women from churches I have never seen have literally poured their love out in gifts, in boxes and in prayers. So many times I have just laughed as I have opened boxes to find EXACTLY what we were needing on that day. A month earlier, when the ladies at Bethany or Our Savior or Ny Stavangar were packing the box a new child hadn’t even arrived to us yet – but when the box arrived, what Vanessa or Cleber needed was inside. It just thrills my heart!

The laws have changed in Brazil over the last few years and so the structure of the Miriam is also changed. We now have more children and few babies. We have a good supply of baby materials and the current on going needs are for children and teen-ager supplies.

Bless you and precious ladies of the WMF!
                                                                                                                                      Jonni Sliver

The year has started with a lot of action! In the first three months we had 28 children in the home. Some came and went within a week or two, but ten had been with us for three months or more. As of the beginning of April we have ten children in the Miriam Home:

Larissa (17) – has been with us since the end of last year. She is very intelligent (because of her good grades she was offered a scholarship to the best private school in Campo Mourao, where she is doing very well). She is here because she was kicked out of her home, but as our social work has looked more and more into the situation it appears her mother may have bi-polar disorder, causing the problem in relationship.

Deise (16) – she lived with us for several years, when she was fifteen she went to live with a foster family, but after just over a year some problems began to appear in the home and it was decided that it was best if Deise returned to the Miriam Home.

Diane (15) – is another precious young woman, hard working and caring. She really looks after the younger children in the home. Diane came to us because she is an only child, her father is older, her mother passed away when she was 11 and her father remarried. The step-mother and Diane don’t get along very well, especially when the father is out of town (he is a truck driver).
Caroline (15) a young lady who has been with us a short time, and is extremely damaged emotionally. Her mother has severe mental problems and forced Caroline to act and dress like a boy. She was mistreated at home and abused and harassed at school. She is a precious but terribly confused girl and she needs the healing power of Jesus@

Ana Paula (15) a sweet, gentle girl, here because she has no family. She is probably only going to be with us a few weeks
Vanessa (12), has lived in the Miriam Home before, and just arrived back again today. Her mother is involved in prostitution and wants Vanessa to work for her. Because the child does not want to her mother beats her badly. Please pray the authorities let us find a new home for her.

Ezequiel (12) – he was orphaned quite young, was adopted by a woman who had HIV, and recently the woman passed away from AIDS. Losing one mother is painful, imagine losing two! Ezequiel is honestly a good boy, but he has difficulty learning made worse by ADD. When Jean (another 12 year old boy who had a big problem with provoking and tormenting the other children) was here there was often problems and fights. Jean and his twin sister Jacqueline went home last week and Ezequiel is noticeably better.

Paola (11) – is the most recent arrival, she has been here for a little over a month and we still don’t fully understand her history. Her mother is very ill and hasn’t taken care of Paola for quite a while. A grandmother had her for a year or two, then an older sister, but the sister can’t take care of her right now (though it appears to be a logistical problem, not that she couldn’t control Paola). During the time she was at her sister’s she went to church and has a lovely faith in Jesus, and is a sweet young girl, who was a good influence on Jacqueline before she went home!

Luis (10) has been with us for quite a while. He came to us because his mother is an alcoholic who is completely dominated by her addiction. She would often get drunk, leave home and not come home for days – only Luis would follow her and end up on the streets with her – exposed to a multitude of dangers and witnessing things a child should never see. Praise the Lord, Luis’ mother agreed to go in to a recuperation program, because she desperately wants her son back. It took quite a while for an opening in the rehabilitation center to open up, but last week she signed in!!!

Cleberson (5) is a sweet little boy who has suffered terribly in his home. He has several siblings, but his mother has literally thrown three of her children away. It appears that she chooses which children she wants and which she doesn’t  - those she doesn’t are very badly treated in home and then she goes to the juvenile authorities and hands them over – like giving a dog to the pound. When Cleberson arrived he was obviously under weight, he had marks of abuse and it was soon obvious that he had been sexually abused also. It is amazing to see how quickly and radically this little boy has changed and grown! He is, in fact, very bright, very affectionate and very obedient – he just needed to be cared for! Please pray the right family comes soon to adopt Cleberson – he needs a consistent, loving home, preferably with no other children or grown children.

I am a secondary worker in the Miriam Home – that is I am not a house mom, but when they are on vacation I take their place. The house moms are Eva, Odette, Nueza and Niede and between them they work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They really are like moms- they make the meals, together with the children keep the house clean and wash the children’s clothes (girls 12 and older wash their own clothes). We also have Silvia who is a psychologist, social assistant and all around helper; and Suraia who is the general director of the house. I fit in how ever I can in the middle – I do a lot of the general running: grocery shopping, picking up donations, mail (we are in a non-delivery area so we have to have a p.o. box), take the children to the dentist, courses, etc. It is hard to explain how my day is structured because every day is different depending on what chores need to be done. I try to spend at least two or three hours on communication – that is my primary role both in the Miriam Home and the Bible School – keeping in touch with the WMF ladies who send boxes and letters, doing newsletters and preparing presentations. Along with the monthly newsletter I send home I do three one page newsletters each month for the AFLC in Brazil. One is new from the Miriam Home, another is news from the Bible School and the last is news from the churches around Brazil. One problem we have is that there has not been good sources of communication (like the Ambassador) so the churches in one state don’t have any idea what is going on in the churches other cities and states – and few of the churches knew about the happening in the Miriam Home and Bible school. Now everybody gets a reminder at least once a month. I also have had a chance to visit every church at least once and my goal is to visit each church twice a year to give face to face updates on the Miriam Home and encourage the churches to take part in the work of the Miriam Home

As far as the Bible school goes, I really enjoy teaching. This semester my class is on “The Facets of Nehemiah” – how the same story provides wonderful lessons from several perspectives – specifically for this class, the historical account, lessons for leadership and principles of Spiritual Warfare. It is one of my favorite books and it is really fun teaching it! I also did a seminar for the students on Godly use of finances and the end of May I will be doing a seminar on Building Relationships. We have 11 students full time and several that are taking specific classes. Last year we only had three full time students so it is exciting to have a fuller class room!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Central Tri-State District WMF Spring Rally
Held at Emmanuel Lutheran (Aspelund) 42957 Co. 1 Blvd., Kenyon, MN
9:00-1:00 on Saturday, April 14th.
Guest Speakers, Jonathan and Tamba Abel
Theme verse, 2 Cor. 4:7, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
Lunch will be served. free will offering.

Sat., 4/21/2012 from 9 – 1
at King of Glory Lutheran in Shakopee, MN
Todd and Barb Schierkolk will be our presenters
Theme “A Future and a Hope” Jer. 29:11

April 21, 2012 9am-3pm
Location: Bethany Lutheran Church (Blue Grass, Sebeka)
Guest speaker: Kevin Olson, Ambassador Institute
Theme: Make Love Your Aim
Theme verse: Col. 3:14 And over all these virtues put on Love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Registration: 9am-10am $5.00 per person

April 28, 2012
9:30 AM Registration and Coffee
10:00 AM Morning Session Begins
Location: Bethel Free Lutheran, 1566 Hill Ave. Grafton, ND
Theme: "God's Power, Our Treasure"
Hymn: "To God Be the Glory"
Verse: But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:7
Speakers: Jonathan and Tamba Abel--AFLC Missionaries to Brazil
Bring a friend to enjoy the day in God's Word
Come and see the Fashion Show of styles from the last 50 years.


Please be aware of and take part in the

WMF Womens Retreat

March 23-25, 2012

ARC (Association Retreat Center, Osceola WI)

also our Annual


June 12, 2012

Thief River Falls, MN

Thus Far Has the Lord Helped Us.
I Samuel 7:12

Monday, January 23, 2012



RESOLUTIONS - they are statements that we as a WMF vote on each year at our annual conference. They are intended to guide each of us as individuals and as local WMFs, District WMFs, and the National WMF as we strive to serve the Lord and our church. (If you have not seen them, please contact our WMF Executive Secretary for a copy of the most recent ones passed at the annual conference in June, 2011.

Resolutions are also statements that we as individuals might make that are intended to spur us on to personal improvement – a renewed daily devotional time with Jesus, weight loss, reducing stress, creating an atmosphere in our homes that welcome those who enter its doors, or any number of things that we think we need to address in the New Year.

How long do those resolutions last? I would hope the resolutions that we vote on at the WMF convention are guidelines for our groups then and into the future. As we make these resolutions and vote on them it is so important that we have prayed and asked the Lord to lead us in these statements.

The personal resolutions probably last as long as we remember them – sometimes one day, sometimes a month, sometimes the whole year. I guess that depends upon how meaningful they are to us and how much effort we are willing to put into fulfilling them. Seeking to have a consistent, renewed daily quiet time with Jesus is one I hope you will commit to for the whole year. I know it’s easy to let our busy “schedules” get in the way, but what is more important than time with Jesus – the Saviour, the Redeemer, the Comforter, the Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father! He has provided us His Word as a love letter to us to help us to get to know Him better. He speaks to us through that Word and He wants us to come to Him in prayer letting Him know our deepest longings and needs.

The Scriptures can help us with our New Year’s resolutions. Please take a look at these verses and find in them guidance for you in the New Year. The texts are all taken from the Amplified Bible:

Psalm 143:10 - Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; let Your good Spirit lead me into a level country and into the land of uprightness. May your gracious Spirit lead me forwardon a firm footing.

Matthew 6:34 - So do not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

James 4:15 – You ought instead to say, If the Lord is willing, we shall live and we shall do this or that [thing].

Dear Father – Help us to seek to spend time with you each day. Help us to seek your will and your guidance in our lives. Help us always remember that you know what’s ahead. We do not need to worry or be anxious because you will take care of us. You will lead us forward on a firm footing as we trust in you. Thank you, Father, for your promises. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.



The New Year always feels like a clean slate, a new beginning and I am reminded of Lamentations 3:22-23 ~ "The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail, they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness." Each year, each day, is a fresh start with God. What an incredible blessing.

Instead of New Year's resolutions, I like to take some time and just seek God for a while, depending on how busy I am depends on how long I get to take! Sometimes this time is simply reflection, a time to appreciate the year past and all God has done. Sometimes it is a time of repentance, getting rid of the callouses that have grown on my heart, desiring to allow God to more deeply work in my life, a deep cleansing in my soul. Sometimes it is an intense time of seeking direction, simply listening to what God's goals for me are. This year it seems I did all three. My heart's desire is to just know God more, to daily allow Him to use me to glorify Himself, to walk in loving forgiveness. But how can I live that out?

To know God more- I need to listen to His voice as I read the Bible, as I hear sermons, as I fellowship with others. God's word is alive and sharper than any two edged sword! So as I read it, I want it to be alive to me. What is God saying through Scripture to me today? I need to spend time letting Him examine my heart, and cry with the psalmist, "Create in me a clean heart O Lord, and renew a right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10) It is hard for me to be still long enough to listen to what God is saying; I am organizing my home or thinking about what I am supposed to be doing, so Lord, help me be still with You, to really listen when I am alone with You. Give me ears to hear Your voice and a mind focused on You.

To daily allow Him to use me for His glory- Some days this is really challenging. What if being used for His glory means cleaning the bathroom? Or taking care of sick children? Or failing parents? I may have had other things on my mind when I prayed that Lord. Yet, cheerfully taking care of the home You have given me allows You to use it more often for Your glory. And some days when I have everything planned out for the day, You bring divine interruptions; I don't always see them as that, but that is what they are. A phone call- or six- so necessary to another; help me to see it through Your eyes God and use Your words, even when it changes what I am able to do. And what if being used for His glory is simply putting a meal on the table in a timely manner, and answering questions from young (or older) children? God has placed each of us in a unique place, in our home as well as in our time of life, and it is in this place that God chooses, even delights, to use us. Lord, give me contentment in the place You have put me, contentment physically, emotionally and spiritually. May I rest in the fact that You are God, and You know what You are doing in and with my life.

To walk in loving forgiveness - It is so hard to just let go and forgive, hurt can be deep and raw, or it can be quick and gone. From an inattentive driver to an abusive past, forgiveness is necessary. How could You forgive us of so much on the cross? I have sinned against You more deeply than anyone has sinned against me, but I keep the pain. You didn't. You loved me instead, You carried my pain in the midst of Your sacrifice. As I struggle to learn this, Lord, show me where the other person is hurting or wounded, what You would have me do to bring healing to them. To understand that some wounds are never intentional, and to know that the ones that are have already been forgiven by You. And who am I to withhold that which You have given? May You work in me so that I would learn to forgive as You did; freely and sacrificially giving in the midst of pain.

This year may each of us hunger more deeply for God, become more yielded to His gentle nudge, and to walk in loving forgiveness with others, by the power of His Holy Spirit.


Border Crossings

Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from the newsletter of our missionaries – The Schierkolk Family.

“‘. . . and they shall call His name Immanuel’ which means, God with us.” -Gospel of Matthew 1:28

Advent and Christmas bring some paradoxical feelings for us. On one hand, we are really enjoying being with our daughter Rachel, seeing snow, being with family, experiencing the joy of the many events of the Christmas season, and touching base with friends. We enjoyed the Christmas concert at the Bible School (AFLBS) so much we went twice!

On the other hand, this is the first Christmas that the kids in the clubs in Jerez won’t have us “with” them and we won’t be having a Christmas party where they’ll be getting a present and they won’t get to watch the traditional showing of “Red Boots for Christmas” in Spanish. No tamales made by Adri (who passed away in May) enjoyed with all of the people from the church in Jerez. No watching the serious excitement of a young person in church lighting the Advent candle. So we feel a significant paradox (or as we often say in our family, “pair of ducks”). But God is “with” us and He is “with” them…

Todd, Barb, Rachel, Megan and Kirstie Schierkolk

A New Life This Christmas!

Editor’s Note: This is a greeting from our missionaries - The Pillman Family.

Merry Christmas!
Christmas is a time to celebrate God's gift of His only begotten Son to the world. This year, we are also celebrating God's gift of a son for our family! We are so thankful for His good and perfect gifts. May your celebrations this Christmas season always be focused on Jesus!

Nathanael Paul Pillman
Born: December 19, 2011
Weight: 9 lbs. 12oz.
Length: 21 ¾ in.
Na-THAN-yel (Hebrew) Gift of God

Because of Him,
Justo, Patricia and Nathanael

“Every good gift and perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17


Osceola, Wisconsin
MARCH 23-25, 2012

Speakers :
“YESTERDAY”—Faith Nelson
“TODAY”—Esther Hylden
“FOREVER”— Emily Nash
Skits performed by THE NEW IMAGE PLAYERS

If you have old pictures that you would like to share at the retreat or if you are willing send them ahead of time to be included with other s that will be on display for the weekend . Prints will be returned to you.

Send pictures to:

Phyllis Peterson, 420 Ash Road, Portland, ND 58274
(701) 788-2938 aimforlife@polarcomm.com

If you have some clothing from the past 50 years that you would care to model or bring along to put on display or for someone else to model please let the officers know and bring them along. If there is enough we may have a style show at some time during the weekend.

If you care to share an outfit or more contact:
Karen Pederson, PO Box 381, Tioga, ND 58852 (701) 664-2432 karen2games@yahoo.com

Any questions about our retreat please feel free to contact:
Lois E. Grothe, 3745 Franklin Ave. Astoria OR 97103 (503) 325-0463 http://www.blogger.com/ADDRESSES%202008-2009/loisgrot@pacifier.com

Silent Auction--On Saturday afternoon we will hold a Silent Auction—if you’d like to donate an item (s) for this please bring it along. Proceeds from this will go to the ARC.

Snacks to Share--We all love to snack—especially at retreats—so bring a snack if you like.

Coffee Shop--With flavored coffee, tea & hot cocoa. Come, enjoy a cup as you relax with friends.

Basic Information
Friday — Check In: In the Tabernacle—6 p.m. (Supper on your own) Retreat begins at 7 p.m.
Saturday morning—sessions,

Afternoon—free time (1:30 to 6 p.m.) for recreations, crafts, activities, relaxation, etc.

Sunday morning—Worship Service at 9:30 a.m. Led by Pastor Eldon Nelson with communion which will conclude our weekend retreat.

(Please take time to register NOW to participate in this special celebration!)

Women’s Retreat
March 23—25, 2012








ROOMMATE REQUEST_______________________________________
Do you need a 1st Floor room? Yes_____ No_____
Do you need a bottom bunk? Yes_____ No_____
Request linens? Cost $7 Yes_____ No_____

Please choose one of the following:
I’m enclosing nonrefundable deposit $25_____

I’m enclosing the total registration fee for:
Saturday –only (no lodging) $45_____
Days only $60_____
Entire Retreat (3 days/2 nights) $85_____

Please make checks payable to WMF of AFLC Add $20 after March10th.
Send to:
Lois Grothe
3745 Franklin Ave.
Astoria OR 97103
(503) 325-0463

Be sure to mark your calendars:

WMF DAY 2012

June 12, 2012
Thief River Falls, MN

Thus Far Has the Lord Helped Us.
I Samuel 7:12

This year is our 50th Anniversary celebration!!