There will be discussion on the reasoning for this proposed change to the constitution at the conference but we wanted to post the proposed change so that you have time to look at it and consider it before we meet.
Article V Section 2 and 5
(Current Amendment)
Section 2: Officers in the WMF shall be a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President, a Third Vice President, a Communication Secretary, a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer.
Section 5: Officers shall be elected for a term of three years. All officers may be eligible for re-election but no officer shall hold the same office for more than two successive terms. The President, Third Vice President and Communications Secretary shall be elected one year; the First Vice President and the Secretary the following year; the Second Vice President and the Treasurer the third year. Newly elected officers shall officially assume their duties at the first regular National Board meeting following their election.
Proposed Amendment
(To be presented at the 2009 WMF Annual Conference)
Proposed Amendment to Article V section 2 and 5 are as follows:
Section 2: Officers in the WMF shall be a President, a Vice President, a Communication Secretary, a Recording Secretary and a Treasurer.
Section 5: Officers shall be elected for a term of three years. All officers may be eligible for re-election but no officer shall hold the same office for more than two successive terms. The President and the Communications Secretary shall be elected one year; the Vice President and the Recording Secretary the following year and the Treasurer the third year. Newly elected officers shall officially assume their duties at the first regular National Board meeting following their election.
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