By Lorilee Mundfrom,
Robin Jameson,
“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them.” Romans 12 :6
We look forward to you joining us at the conference. The WMF day events on Tuesday will be at Life Church. The address for this church is 901 W County Highway 116, Fergus Falls. This church is not too far from the conference headquarters.
The WMF Women’s Outreach Coordinator, Faylin Myhre, will lead the Tuesday morning Bible Study.
As usual, you will also be blessed by praise music, devotions, memorial service, and prayer time. We will conclude the morning with a short business meeting. Elections will take place for President, 3rd Vice President, and Communications Secretary. The National Board will propose a constitutional change in regards to reducing the size of the board. They have developed a plan to help balance financial concerns with the large work load. If the board size is reduced, many volunteers would be needed for both short and long commitments in order to fill the voids. Please keep these items in prayer.
The Luncheon program is planned including special music and a delightful skit. Ruth Antal, Park River, North Dakota, will share with us about how God has been speaking to her this last year and teaching her how to discover and use her gift for Him. Following the Luncheon we will break up into smaller groups for the following workshops:
- Power of Prayer –Ruby Abel
- Let Your Light Shine – Pastor Jim Rasmussen, Director of Evangelism for the AFLC
- Balancing Priorities – Jeanie Jorgenson, East Grand Forks, Minnesota
- Ministering Through Your Home – Rose Carlson, Grafton, North Dakota
We also have 2 evening gatherings. Tuesday evening is the Women’s Banquet with Missionary Barb Schierkolk speaking. Wednesday night is the Mission Festival Service. Todd Schierkolk will be bringing the message. It will be so good to fellowship with them during this time that they are home from Mexico.
Wednesday morning we will have the Leadership Breakfast for local and district officers as well as any other women who are interested in participating in leadership in your local women’s ministries. President Lorilee Mundfrom will speak on “Essentials for Leadership.” We hope you will plan to attend.
Please use the AFLC registration form to register for WMF Day, WMF Luncheon, and the WMF Banquet on Tuesday. You may also register for the Leadership Breakfast to be held on Wednesday morning on this form. Please keep these times in prayer that God would teach and inspire each woman attending to use the gifts He has given her. We look forward to reuniting with old friends and meeting new ones this year in Fergus Falls. See you there!
The people from Calvary Free Lutheran Church in Fergus Falls are busy making preparations for your attendance at the conference. They will welcome us with warmth and love. Please come prepared to share in this special day set aside for the women of the AFLC. We are privileged to do this annually.
See you in June!
WMF Schedule
Tuesday WMF Day
Registration 8:00—8:45 a.m.
Morning Session 9:00 a.m.
Luncheon Noon
Workshops 1:45– 2:45 p.m. and 3:15—4:15p.m.
- The Power of Prayer: Ruby Abel
- Let Your Light Shine: Jim Rasmussen
- Balancing Priorities: Jeanne Jorgenson
- Ministering Through Your Home: Rose Carlson
Banquet 5:00– 6:30 p.m.
Opening Service for Annual Conference 7:30 p.m.
WMF Leadership Breakfast Wednesday morning 7:00 a.m.
Mission Festival Wednesday evening 7:00 p.m.
To Register for WMF Day click here.